1. This concert is owned and managed by Show Space Event Solutions LLP.
2. Please choose the concert carefully, confirmed registrations are non-refundable.
3. Please provide us with a secure email address that you can access regularly, as email communication will be our primary means of contacting you for any communications relating to the event. Users of email services that offer filtering/blocking of messages from unknown email addresses should add to their address list.
4. The Organiser will contact the attendees only by email. Any notice sent to the email address registered with the organisers shall be deemed as received by the attendees.
5. By registering for the event, you acknowledge and accept that you are aware that you and your wards have joined the concert voluntarily and there was no compulsion whatsoever from Show Space Event Solutions LLP.
6. You agree that the Show Space Event Solutions LLP. organizing committee, the organisers and associated companies or entities that organise the concert shall not be liable for any loss, damage, illness, or injury that might occur because of your participation in the concert.
7. Aforementioned copyright includes but not limited to names and other personal information such as age and address of attendees mentioned in the article covering the concert. You confirm that your name that were taken during your participation may be used to publicise the event at any time by the organiser.
8. You acknowledge and agree that your personal information can be stored and used by Show Space Event Solutions LLP. on or any other company in connection with the organization, promotion, and administration of the event and for the compilation of statistical information.
9. You confirm that in the event of unforeseen developments beyond the control of the organisers during the time of the concert, the organisers reserve the right to stop/cancel/postpone the event. You understand that confirmed registrations are non-refundable.
10. The Organisers reserve the right to reject any application without providing reasons. Any amount collected from rejected applications alone will be refunded in full (excluding bank charges wherever applicable).